Gow, Jamella. N. and Philip Kretsedemas. 2024. Modern Migrations, Black Interrogations: Revisioning Migrants and Mobilities through the Critique of Anti-Blackness. Temple University Press
Journal Articles
Gow, Jamella N. 2024. “From Colonial Subjects to Black Nations: Racializing the Caribbean within Global Blackness.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power.
Maeda, Sarah, Meagan Johnson, Genya Shimkin, Jamella Gow, Joel Carey, and Toby Keys. 2024. “Family Medicine Clerkship Preceptors’ Experiences Welcoming and Supporting Medical Students of Color.” Journal of Regional Medical Campuses. 7(1):1-9.
Gow, Jamella. 2023. “Countering Anti-Blackness with Migrant Solidarity: Black and Caribbean Linkages through Racial Struggle.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. 46(12): 2698-2719.
Gow, Jamella. N. 2021. “Race, Nation, or Community?: Political Strategy and Identity-Making within the Transnational Haitian Diaspora in Miami’s ‘Little Haiti.’” Journal of Haitian Studies. 27(1): 135-156.
Gow, Jamella. N. 2021. “Reworking Race, Nation, and Diaspora on the Margins.” Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies. 21(2): 209-230.
Author Feature and Interview: bhm-2022/
N. Pierre, Unique Vance, Mariah Boyd, Sean Tanabe, Ashley Baker, Andrew Neiman, Jamella Gow, Nikita Carney, Nadège T. Clitandre, and Claudine Michel. 2015. “Men anpil, chay pa lou”: Reflecting on Initial and Future Collaborative Projects between the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Community of Carrefour-Feuilles, Haiti.” Journal of Haitian Studies. 21(1): 153-172.
Chapter in Edited Volume
Not just about being Haitian, [but] being Black in America: Race, Gender, and Blackness within the Haitian Diaspora in Miami’s ‘Little Haiti.’” in Modern Migrations, Black Interrogations: Revisioning Migrants and Mobilities through the Critique of Anti-Blackness. Edited by Philip Kretsedemas and Jamella N. Gow.
Temple University Press
Other Publications
Rangel, Salvador and Jamella N. Gow. 2020. “The Economy vs. The People”: Capitalism & Essential Labor in the Pandemic.” Sectors: American Sociological Association Sociology of Development Section Newsletter. Fall/Winter 7(2): 10-12.
Book Review
Gow, Jamella N. 2024. Review of Fractal Repair: Queer Histories of Modern Jamaica by Matthew Chin. In Ethnic and Racial Studies,
Gow, Jamella. N. 2019. Review of Boats, Borders, and Bases: Race, the Cold War, and the Rise of Migration Detention in the United States by Jenna M. Loyd and Alison Mountz. In Contemporary Sociology, 48(6): 717–718.